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Which Summer Items Are Ideal For Storage?

Mon 2nd September 2019

The nights starting to draw out, and the chill starting to set in in the morning and evening is a sure way of knowing that summer is officially coming to a close. Which means it’s time to start thinking about breaking out your autumn wardrobe and retiring your summer gear for another year.

If space is an issue in your home, the last thing you want to be doing is cluttering up an already small space with things that won’t be in use until next May at the earliest. That’s where a storage unit could come in handy for storing those summer items over the winter months. But what kinds of items should you store in your unit? Thankfully Kettering Self Store has come up with a few suggestions of items that are ideal for storing away for the winter.

Summer sporting gear

If your sporting hobby is seasonal, then now would be a good time to think about storing it away for the winter. Things like wetsuits and surfboards can take up a lot of room in your home or garage. Make sure the items are clean and dry before storing them away and a storage unit will be the ideal way to maximise your space at home whilst ensuring that your gear is kept secure and in good condition until you need it again.

Garden furniture

Let’s face it unless you’re particularly warm-blooded (or you have an outdoor heater) no one is going to be using their patio furniture come the Autumn. Storing your garden furniture in a storage unit is great for saving space outside, especially if you don’t have a garage (or it’s housing other items).

Camping equipment

With the end of summer camping season, inevitably closes too. Bulky items like tents and sleeping bags can take up quite a rage amount of room, so a storage unit is an ideal way to keep those items secure until they’re called upon again. It’s important that you air out items like tents as they have a tendency to sweat and mildew can become an issue if there is excess moisture present. Make sure both the flysheet and the inner section of the tent is clean before storage. Don’t forget to clean your tent pegs as well to avoid any corrosion.

If you’re looking for a local storage facility to house your summer items over the autumn and winter months, then contact Kettering Self Store today. Our Storage units come in a wide range of sizes ideal for everyday household items, or larger, bulkier items. For more information visit our volume calculator page.

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